Why I’ve Been Gone and Why I’ll Continue to Be

Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 1.45.45 PM.png

Hello, all my lovely readers! First of all, this is not a goodbye post. I will come back! Rather, it’s a summary of what I’ve been doing these past few months, an announcement of the continuation of my hiatus from my blog, and the reasoning why.

What have I been doing?

The last time I posted was January 22nd. I’d finished my Snowflake Method outline for Battle Song and had written about 10k in the first draft (though I did mention that I was having difficulties forcing myself to write). And then–poof!–I disappeared.

I wrote fairly consistently in Battle Song through the first week of February, and then I wrote only sporadically through part of March. I probably added 5k-8k more words to what I had before. I just didn’t feel very motivated to continue–especially as I didn’t feel like scenes were turning out the way I wanted them to.

So…I stopped writing.

Then I went on choir tour in March, and I started writing a novella. If you’re interested in the whole story behind it, you can read this next part; if not, just skip ahead.

((Remember the Iris novella that I did two spotlights on? Iris’s daughter, Aleria, came from a novel that a friend and I wrote together. That friend was with me on choir tour…so I decided that I wanted to write her a story about some of our other characters…which of course grew longer and longer.

((If you’re interested in how the stories connect…in the novel we wrote, Aleria (daughter of Iris) meets this guy named Ryder. He was adopted when he was a baby by a different family. That family had a daughter named Sophie. She died when she was a young girl…but this novella explores what would have happened to her if she hadn’t died.

((So it’s not even real, which is depressing because it’s adorable.))

Okay, back to the story of what I’ve been doing. So, I know a couple of girls at church who also like to write and we started this writing club where we set goals. Anyway, in April, we decided that if we all finished our goals by our next meeting (the first Friday in May), we would get to have a potstickers party.

So I guess I have potstickers to credit for helping me write in Battle Song again. You see, I made this goal that I would finish writing the novella and write three scenes in Battle Song in that month. And I had to do that so that we could get potstickers.

So with potstickers in mind, I kept working on the novella…and it kept getting longer! My stories have a tendency to do it. But I needed to finish by the next meeting…so as I neared the end of that time, I was pretty much writing every day.

When I finished the novella (at 31,026 words–Iris had 24K), I only had two days to write three scenes in Battle Song, but I did it! (For the potstickers, of course.) (Except our meeting has been postponed twice since then, so will I ever get my potstickers? Who knows.)

Since then, I’ve actually been excited about writing in Battle Song, and I’ve written fairly consistently, trying to write about an hour every day. I usually end up writing 4 days a week.

I started keeping a writing log where I keep track of how many words I write in how much time…and then I calculate my average words per minute…usually between 18 and 22. Which ends up being around 1K an hour. I don’t know why it’s so fun to calculate my writing speed…but it is!

Anyway, long story short, I’ve been writing consistently in Battle Song and it currently has a total of 27,686 words.

Other than that, school is out (!!) and I figured out where I’m going to college and I’ve had a lot of choir concerts!

Wait…so you’re still on hiatus?

In short, yes.

This could turn into another long story, but that’s okay. Basically, I’ve decided that I won’t be blogging until I finish drafting Battle Song. I may do the occasional update on writing stuff, but I won’t really be here.

The reasoning behind this? Well…the other day, I was looking through my dad’s kindle and saw the book The One Thing by Gary Keller. And since I didn’t have anything else to do (we weren’t at home, so there really wasn’t much I could do), I started reading it.

It’s actually a book about how to be successful as a business, but…I thought it was interesting and applicable, nonetheless. One of the parts I found most interesting talked about balance and how it’s not always a good thing.

Basically, the idea was you try to balance your life, relationships, etc. but with work-related things, sometimes you have to throw yourself off-balance and completely pursue “the one thing”.

“The one thing”, according to the book, is the thing that is most important, the thing that will make everything else unnecessary or easier to accomplish. I’ve decided, that for me, right now, the one thing” is to finish Battle Song.

And instead of trying to divide my time between blogging and writing, I want to just write, and then come back when I’m done…when I can adequately focus on blogging well.

What will your blog look like when you get back?

I’m not entirely sure yet, but my hope is to post more consistently for sure. I want to really put some effort into my blog and think about what I’m writing.

I have had some post ideas that I’m excited for…there’s this blog series that could be fabulous (we’ll see) that has to do with short stories and possibly some world building posts. Hopefully, more ideas will come as I write Battle Song so I’ll have a whole plethora to choose from when I come back.

If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me!

A short thank you note

Also, I want to thank you all for your support…even though I am crazy and disappear all the time and have these really long rambling posts…you guys still read and comment! I’m so happy that I have made such great friends with my blog who are so kind to me.

Let’s talk, shall we?

What have you been up to in the time that I’ve disappeared? Tell me all about how life is going! What writing projects are you working on?

Do you agree that being off-balance is sometimes necessary, and in what aspects of life? What “one thing” could you work on?

And also, tell me if you want a spotlight or two from the novella about Sophie that I wrote! If you do, I can post those in the next few weeks since it really won’t take too much trouble. And if you have post ideas for when I come back…I’m definitely open to suggestions!

13 thoughts on “Why I’ve Been Gone and Why I’ll Continue to Be

  1. Julia May 21, 2018 / 2:11 PM

    I’m glad you’re enjoying writing your book again. 😃 I’m looking back to it being done and having you blog again! 😉 And I hope you get those potstickers! (even though I’m actually not entirely sure what those are 😂)


    • Lana May 21, 2018 / 4:11 PM

      Thanks! 😀 I’m glad as well! It’s really hard when you feel like you just don’t want to write anything.

      And haha, thanks. Potstickers are basically Chinese meat dumpling things? If that makes sense. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kellyn Roth May 26, 2018 / 10:35 PM

    I have no idea what potstickers are. I could open another tab and Google them … but I am lazy.

    Also, I have been forever in commenting on this, but that is because … no, I have no excuse. I’ll just say my grandpa is very sick and leave it at that even though that’s only been causing me emotional distress not physical time … physical time has gone to wasting time and editing, haha. And trying to set up my new Reveries. *eyeroll* It’s such a beast for being an “easy installation.” HALP.

    Okay, I’ll answer the questions now, I just felt I had to explain meself a little. With typical nonsensicalness. Oh well, you can translate by now! 😉 😛

    What have you been up to in the time that I’ve disappeared? Tell me all about how life is going!:
    Pretty good! My dad has arthritis and is trying to decide whether to switch jobs, my grandpa has a weak heart from the medication which he was taking to lessen his tumors, which are now going to progress unchecked, and this all means he has less than a year to live … uhhh … mostly done with school except some leftover history (it’s a homeschool thing; I’m done with school but I’m not, lol), work is settling down after next week … this last week I worked like triple hours though. An extra day and every day I worked about an hour extra and so yep, it added up.

    I feel like I’m being whiny and focusing on the non-positive. This isn’t like me! #accentuatethepositive #thatwasa40sreference #ithink #thatwasweird

    Okay, so, school is ending and over the summer my work load is next to nothing, and I’m looking into volunteering at that Fort Museum place thingy again … and I’ll be graduating on June 8th. *two thumbs up*

    What writing projects are you working on?:

    I JUST finished Once a Stratton draft 2-ish (it’s a glorified draft 1 but shhh) and sent it off to betas. So now I’m thinking what to do next. I think it’s going to be the story about Gibson (you haven’t read a more recent draft, haha, so that won’t make sense until you do … because in the first draft no one would ever want to read a book about Gibson …). I’ve written about 4K on and off now, and it looks like it’ll just be 10K or so, but still fun! 🙂

    And … not sure what all else. I need to get the blog up next, so that’s the primary thing!

    Do you agree that being off-balance is sometimes necessary, and in what aspects of life? What “one thing” could you work on?:

    YES, definitely! I do that all the time, actually. Though oftentimes in an unhealthy way, I’m sure. I had to do that with Once a Stratton … and now I’m not sure what “one thing” I’m going to work on. I’m still thinking about it.

    And also, tell me if you want a spotlight or two from the novella about Sophie that I wrote! If you do, I can post those in the next few weeks since it really won’t take too much trouble:
    I’d love to see that! I’ve always been tempted to write like alternate history stories, but … no. I can’t let myself do that or I’d get mercilessly confused. 😉

    And if you have post ideas for when I come back…I’m definitely open to suggestions!:


    (I got nothing.)


    • Lana May 30, 2018 / 12:28 PM

      Haha, potstickers are basically Chinese meat dumplings. Fried. If that makes sense. 😛

      Oh, Kell, I’m sorry about your grandpa! 😦 I hope that you will be able to find peace in Christ in this difficult time. I’ll pray for you!

      Oooh yay, you’re almost graduated! *high fives*

      And yesss the novel about Gibson. I’m still excited even though I haven’t read the new version of AFOP yet, hehe. 😛

      Oooh the new blog. I’d forgotten about that. I’m excited to see it when it’s ready! 🙂

      Okay! Now I have to decide which spotlight(s) to share…I have this one scene that’s my favorite, but it’s kind of a spoiler… 😛 So I can’t decide whether to post it or not.

      Haha, I know! I keep thinking of things that happen in the novella, and I then I realize, wait, those things never actually happened.

      Hmmmm…. *considers the possibilities of posting on teddy bear stuffing* *has no inspiration*

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kellyn Roth May 31, 2018 / 12:56 PM

        Ohhh, okay! That makes sense! *nods* Okay, then, sounds good.

        Yep, it’s tough. :/ I’m hoping for a miraculous recovery, of course, but I doubt it will happen.

        Well, it’s coming along pretty well! I just figured I’m working on about nine different things right now, so I don’t know how fast it will be written, haha, but I’m doing my best!

        Yep, right now I’m tearing down old posts and putting up new ones … it’s lengthy but also kinda fun! 😀

        Hmm … spoilers are always fun but some people just insist upon not reading them, so I don’t know … depends …

        HAHA! That’s hilarious! I would so do that …

        Yep, not a lot of options for a post on teddy bear stuffing … ;P


      • Lana June 20, 2018 / 8:42 PM


        Hehe, yay! I can’t wait to read it once it’s done!

        Have you made any progress on that new site yet?

        Hehe, spoilers are fun…except when they aren’t. #wise

        So I guess I should actually choose an excerpt for the spotlight and post it hehehe. I kind of forgot about that. 😛

        Maybe I should write a post on teddy bear stuffing just to prove there’s material. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      • Kellyn Roth June 22, 2018 / 12:47 PM

        Well, the site’s up, but I’m gonna do the official “relaunch” on July 29th. So yep, hopefully that will work out! It’s at kellynroth.blog … and yes, the design is not quite finished.

        YESSS! That would be fun! I want to see that excerpt …

        Well, you wouldn’t want teddy bear stuffing to feel neglected … 😉


  3. Jordy Leigh May 29, 2018 / 6:24 PM

    Hi Lana!

    So yes, the link you sent worked and here I am at the end of your post. 🙂

    I feel like God’s servants can totally benefit from seeking Him as “the one thing” – putting other things on hold for some time to spend extended bouts of time in His Word and in prayer. I guess that’s what fasting is, huh?

    Okay, so question. How will I know when to check back on your blog to see if your hiatus is over? Do you have a bare-bones estimate of when you might be back so I can make a reminder for myself?


    • Lana May 30, 2018 / 12:32 PM

      Hi! 🙂

      Yes, I agree! As long as it’s in addition to the daily, consistent habits of spending time in scriptures and praying. Though I’m sure that’s what you meant. 🙂

      Hmm…hopefully in August sometime. Not sure entirely at what point in August, but sometime in there. If you’d like, I can tell you when I come back. 🙂 (Well, I’ll try to remember to, anyway.)


  4. Jordy Leigh May 30, 2018 / 5:37 PM

    Sure, if you remember, feel free to let me know when you come back. If not, I’ve put a reminder in my calendar at the end of August. That should help. X)


  5. Jordy Leigh May 30, 2018 / 5:39 PM

    Sorry, that was meant to be under our previous conversation thread.


  6. katie May 30, 2018 / 7:31 PM

    Ahh Lana I have missed you so much! Good luck with your college endeavours!


    • Lana June 20, 2018 / 8:39 PM

      KATEEEE I’VE MISSED YOU!!! 😀 How have you been? And thank you!


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