The Writer’s Tag

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I know, I haven’t done a tag since…well, since the Week of Blog Tags, and I don’t remember how long ago that was. But what writer doesn’t love talking about writing? And when May @ Forever and Everly tagged anyone who wanted to do it, why not do it…a month later? (That’s pretty good for me, actually.) Thanks, May!

So, it’s time for The Writer’s Tag! Where I talk about writing!

What genres, styles, and topics do you write about?

Lots of things, but I suppose it’s usually the same things that I like to read about!

For genresFantasy with cool plot reveals and a dash of romance. But, you know, I’ve never read epic science fiction, and yet that’s something else I’m writing about? I need to read more sci-fi…anyone know of any books?

For styles: I usually write in 3rd person, past tense, but for Battle Song, which I’m starting to work on again, it’s actually in 1st person! And my writing style is usually fairly straightforward. I would love to develop better word choice and a more beautiful writing style, but mine is pretty simple right now.

For topics: I love to write about dragons, magic, fairy tale retellings, cultures/beliefs, deep characters, and war. Probably too much war. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m not sure that I’ve written a novel that doesn’t have war in it…I just love the strength and heroism it brings out in people!

How long have you been writing?

For as long as I can remember! I still have old notebooks from when I was in elementary school with unfinished stories in them (usually about fairies or orphans…who knows?).

However, I never really took writing seriously as something I’d actually want to do with my life until my dad suggested we do Camp NaNoWriMo together, in April 2013. That’s when I realized how much I loved writing.

Then, 2014 was when writing became more a part of my life, when I took the 365K challenge and tried to write a thousand words every day.

And now, I’m trying to make writing my career, so I guess it depends on your definition of “writing”. Maybe I’m just beginning!

Why do you write?

I write because I love it. I write because if I don’t write, my mind fills with new ideas and new plots, and my Creative Dragon awakes within me, telling me that it won’t leave me alone until I write something. (True story.)

I write because I love to express emotions through words, because I can’t always speak, because there’s a beauty in showing how people progress through difficult challenges.

I write because weaving a story is my favorite way to spend my time. I adore my characters, I can’t stop the exhilaration of coming up with a new idea, and I love trying to puzzle out how everything fits together. In short, it’s awesome!

When is the best time to write?

All the time! Just kidding. I don’t know if there’s a particular time of day that I feel more productive to writing, because that’s not something I normally pay attention to, but on my new schedule I’m writing from 3:00-5:00 p.m. I don’t know, if I did it a little earlier, I’d probably be a bit more creative, but it still works! I like having a timeframe that I have to stick to–writing, and nothing else, during those hours.

What parts of writing do you love, and what parts do you hate?

Love:love that moment when everything just fits together! After you’ve been thinking hard and pondering how anything relates, and it’s so confusing, but this flash of inspiration comes and everything makes sense!

When you think of an awesome plot twist or plot reveal.

When you’re developing a character you didn’t really connect with before, and then you figure out something about them, and you just love them to death.

When thinking about a character’s death makes you want to cry (even if you don’t).

When you write that super emotional scene and your heart feels like it’s being squeezed and your characters are all so awesome and dramatic and everything is awesome.

When you have dreams about your characters being shippy. *nods*

When you have dreams that spark story ideas.

When you share your work and someone loves it! And not only that, but they connect with it. That’s awesome.

When you look back on old writing and realize that it’s not as bad as you remembered.

When you think of a deliciously sad and emotional ending or scene.

When you get to be the evil author. All too often done by me…but it’s so fun!

When you’re so in love with your story that everyone else can’t help but love it too.

…that was kind of long…

Hate/Dislike: Being stuck and not knowing where to go next.

When you have such a great idea, and it doesn’t turn out as good on paper.

When your characters are all refusing to develop themselves. Hence all the character-glaring that I do.

When you start to compare yourself with other writers and feel like a failure.

When you feel like you don’t know how to write anymore.

When someone doesn’t like your writing that you’re really proud of.

When you feel so inadequate and like you’ll never measure up.

Gosh, why do we put the “hates” after the “loves”? That’s just depressing.

How do you overcome writer’s block?

I don’t. Umm, probably through endurance, I guess? Sometimes all it takes is to keep going when it’s hard. But I think usually it helps to take a break and do something else (like drawing or playing the piano) to calm me down. After that, it helps to find where things went wrong and then try to fix it or go from there. Identifying the problem is half the battle!

(And fixing it is the other half. *sighs* Usually something needs more development…always more development.)

Are you working on something at this moment?

Yes, I’m writing this blog post. Yup! I just started working on Battle Song, a retelling of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, with warrior mermaids + cool characters + cool religion stuff + wars! (See? There’s even multiple wars in this one.) I started writing it last November for NaNoWriMo, but I’m restarting.

(I’d link you to the page, but some things are changing and I need to rewrite it. And also make a better blurb. Because I’m great at that.)

Anyway, I’m still working on re-developing stuff, but soon I’m going to start writing. This time, I’m going to write the last 10K first because then I’ll know where I’m headed. Plus, there’s some great emotional/shippy/awesome scenes at the end. *grins*

What are your writing goals this year?

Well, I do have goals from my New Year’s Resolutions post, buut a few of those might be changing. My new goals are to write every day, to publish at least two short stories, and have the first and second drafts of Battle Song done.

Unless you mean “year” as in a year from today, in which case to have Battle Song as ready for publishing as I can get it.

And, of course, to always be improving!

Tag–You’re it!

If you read this and enjoyed it, consider yourself tagged. Because I only have a few people who I could tag, and I’m also not sure how many you’re supposed to tag for this…so tag if you want it!

(Also, if you do this tag, feel free to use the graphic!)

we talk and talk and talk

Are you going to do the tag/have you done it before? I’d love a link! And if you don’t want to do the tag, feel free to answer the questions in a comment below! I especially want to know what you love and what you hate about writing.

Oh, and, P.S. I’m going to be gone next week on a family vacation. I was going to write a post and pre-schedule it, but I don’t know if I’ll have time. So if you don’t see me, that’s why!

The Food Book Tag

By my order, The Week of Blog Tags shall be extended, in which I shall gift you with a blog tag this one final day (to finish my final tag). Therefore, I shall still not tag anyone, else there be a multitude of tags. If you wish to be tagged, you are! Thus ends the amended decree.

Fin reminded me of the blog tag I’d missed! It’s one she’d (Fin @ Spiel) tagged me for, The Food Book Tag. Thank you, Fin (both for the tag and for reminding me about it)! I promise you, my poor little tag-whelmed readers, that this is the last blog tag. until I get tagged again, of course..

1) What’s a fictional food that you would die for?
Hmm…that’s a good question. I’ve now decided that food should be described more in books. I don’t know that I’d die for any fictional food, because then I’d be dead and wouldn’t be able to eat it, but I would love to have blue chocolate chip cookies from Percy Jackson. Or ambrosia from the same book.

2) POPCORN!!! A book that reads like a movie.
I’m not sure if I’ve read a book that’s this descriptive. My favorite descriptions in books are from Shannon Hale’s Goose Girl series. I just remember a few descriptions that were really beautifully written from that series.

3) CHOCOLATE!!! Your guilty pleasure book.
I love chocolate…but a guilty pleasure book? Probably Brandon Sanderson because it’s completely amazing but they’re long, so I end up feeling guilty for not doing any of my chores or homework or anything because I’m so sucked into the books. It’s wonderful. And horrible at the same time.

4) CHIPS!!! Your favorite flavour genre.
Fantasy, sci-fi, and fractured fairy tales.

5) CAKE!!! An absolutely delicious book that you ate read in one sitting.
Ooh, there’s way too many to choose from. I’ve read a lot of books in one sitting…but some of my favorite memories of doing this has been with Harry Potter books…that was lovely and delicious.

6) PIZZA!!! A book that has your favourite toppings things in it.
Brandon Sanderson’s epic fantasy books (both Mistborn and the Stormlight Archive) because they have awesome magic and even awesome world building and cultures and I absolutely love them.

7) CUPCAKES!!! Your favourite short story (because cupcakes are small so they equal a short story)
Aww, that’s so cute. Umm…my favorite short story…probably fairy tales, if those count. I really like (and these are all the original/Grimm versions) Rapunzel, The Little Mermaid, The Twelve Huntsmen, and Bearskin. Funny how all those are ones I want to write retellings of (except Bearskin, I read it since I wanted to read someone else’s retelling of it).

I also like short stories with a twist at the end…like The Lottery. Except that one’s kind of creepy.

8) TEA!!! Your favourite story to curl up on the couch with a cup of tea.
Welll I don’t drink tea but probably something winter-y since I’m thinking hot chocolate now. What’s a winter-y book? Anyone have any suggestions of books that involve the winter season as a good book I could read?

9) COFFEE!!! Your favourite contemporary story.
I don’t drink coffee either…or read much contemporary. Like, no contemporary, actually. As far as realistic fiction, I’ve read a few (mostly historical fiction). Actually, I’m reading a pretty good historical/realistic fiction called Letters from the Jade Dragon Box. It talks a lot about China being under communist rule and its really interesting so far. But…that’s not really contemporary fiction. Sorry, I got nothing.

Whew! WE HAVE FINISHED ALL THE BLOG TAGS. Remember, if you want to be tagged, you are! This is a fun one. 🙂 Also, speaking of all these books I’m wondering, do you have any good book recommendations that I should read? If you have some favorite books that you think I might not have read, please tell me! I love getting recommendations.

The Rising Authors Tag

By my order, this week is decreed The Week of Blog Tags, in which I shall gift you with a blog tag each day (in an attempt to finish all the ones I have been tagged for). Therefore, I shall not tag anyone, else there be a multitude of tags. If you wish to be tagged, you are! Thus ends the decree.

I still feel like there’s a tag I’m missing…? But oh well. I can’t remember it so I just snatched this tag from Fin @ Spiel since she said anyone could take it. Thanks, Fin! It’s, obviously, about rising authors which sounds kinda like the zombie apocalypse with writers but I think it’s supposed to mean aspiring authors…? The really fun part is that I get to share a 150 word piece/excerpt of my writing! (Now I just have to choose which excerpt to post…)

1. Write a post thanking the person who tagged you: include the tag, the 11 questions asked, your answers, and, in reply to the request for a small piece of prose or poetry, share a 150-word story.
2. At the end of the post, provide 11 new questions.
3. Request a brief 150-word story from the people you tagged.
4. Tag at least one person, and include a link to their blog.

Q&A with Fin:

  • What’s your favourite genre to write in?

Fantasy is what I’ve written from the beginning, but I’m working on an epic science fiction series right now, and I’m really liking it so far, so I like that too. I’ve also always wanted to write a fractured fairy tale (which I suppose could fall under fantasy) but have never actually finished one.

  • What are your favourite writing blogs, or writing websites?

My favorite writing website is definitely the Young Writers Program for NaNoWriMo–everyone is so friendly and awesome, and participating in NaNoWriMo is just awesome in general.

  • Give three pieces of writing advice that you’ve found helpful!

Ooh, hmm… 1. Have fun with your first draft and don’t worry about it making sense–just make sure to love it. 2. A good ramble about your own writing never hurt anyone, and can actually be really helpful. 3. Chocolate always helps.

  • Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what do you like to listen to? If not, well, why not?

Yes, if I remember to turn it on, haha. I usually listen to “epic music” on youtube, which can alternately be non-distracting background music or an inspiring fountain of story ideas.

  • Do you eat or drink while you write? If so, what do you eat/drink?

Hmm, not usually, actually. When I procrastinate from writing, though, that’s when all the chocolate and candy and random snacks come out…

  • Out of curiosity, what’s your typing speed?

I’m not sure; I haven’t taken a typing speed test in a while. I think generally my typing speed if I’m going as fast as possible is about 70 wpm, but when I’m writing it’s a lot less because I have to think. I think if I’m writing as fast as possible I can get to around 500 words in 15 minutes, which is about…33 wpm. And that’s when I’m trying to go fast.

  • Do you give much thought to your antagonist?

I haven’t really, before, but I’m planning on digging down deep into my antagonist for Enhanced (and hopefully, into all my other characters). I want him to be a realistic antagonist, so I’ll have to work on him for a while.

  • Do you write more females or more males?

Probably more females… I try to balance it out but I think I just end up with more females because I’m female and that’s who’s easier.

  • Which do you think you write better?

Females, definitely. I don’t feel like I have enough deep friendships with boys to be able to write them properly.

  • What’s your idea of a perfect place and time to write?

Ooh, interesting question. I don’t know, usually I just sit on my couch when I write, which is fine, and I think it’d be weird to write anywhere else now since I hardly ever do. And a perfect time? I actually tend to stay up late writing, but I don’t like it. I’d rather write earlier in the day when I’m better at thinking and will actually be able to get a decent amount of sleep that night.

  • If you could do one thing to make your writing life easier, what would it be?

I’m not really sure. I think part of the fun and reward of writing is the challenge of it. I mean, having no procrastination would make my writing life so much easier…but I think it makes me feel closer to my novels when I realize how much time and effort I’ve spent on them. Yeah, I don’t know…maybe I’d just tone down the procrastination a bit.

Writing Excerpt:

Since I was too lazy to actually write something new for this, and didn’t want to use something from the old Enhanced, I decided to take an excerpt of an excerpt I wrote for these writing practice things I was trying to do months ago. It’s the end of a conversation (well, argument) between Kai and Taira, and I doubt it’ll even go anywhere in any of the novels, but I like it, so I’ll stick it in here. (Oh, and feedback is always appreciated!)

Each of her words cut, and with them, a desire to cut her back burning stronger and stronger. “You’re the one who’s being insulting. You may have gone through some pretty terrible things, but that doesn’t mean you have to be rude to everyone else about it! You have a choice—a choice to be whoever you want to be, and you just chose to be bitter about it.”

Taira turned a cold glare back at him, but in those eyes, he could see the pain that he’d inflicted. She was hurting too, now. “You have no idea what I’ve been through. So you can just go now. I can’t believe I even started talking to you in the first place.”

His heart pumped, pulsing against the wounds she’d caused, blood spilling through him. Guilt pumping through his bloodstream. Realization pooling around him.

She didn’t hurt any less than he did.

But it was too late to say he was sorry now.


  1. When did you first start writing, and was there ever any real reason why?
  2. What is your goal as an author?
  3. What writing project are you working on right now? What is it about? (Extensive rambling is highly encouraged.)
  4. What new plot bunnies have you had recently?
  5. Do you prefer wide-ruled or college-ruled notebooks? Trust me, this is a very important question.
  6. Is there any specific kind of pen or pencil that you like to write with the best when you’re writing on paper?
  7. Since this is the Rising Authors Tag, what heights have you risen to in your writing that you never thought you would? Also, have you ever been a zombie?
  8. How many books do you read on average in a month?
  9. Would you rather write a first draft, or revise one?
  10. Do you have any writing rituals?
  11. Do you ever put inside jokes or easter eggs in your writing? Tell us about them! Give us all your secrets…

Remember, if you want to be tagged, you are! If any of you do this tag, I’d love it if you’d post a link in the comments so I can read it! If you don’t, you should totally answer the questions in the comments. Especially the zombie one.

The Liebster Award

By my order, this week is decreed The Week of Blog Tags, in which I shall gift you with a blog tag each day (in an attempt to finish all the ones I have been tagged for). Therefore, I shall not tag anyone, else there be a multitude of tags. If you wish to be tagged, you are! Thus ends the decree.

Sorry for not posting yesterday, or the day before! My sincere apologies. Also, this is the last blog tag I could find that I was actually tagged for personally, but I swear there was at least another one. So if you remember tagging me for something and I haven’t done it yet, please let me know!

Anyhow, I’ve seen this tag around a lot and was quite pleased to be tagged for it by Kellyn Roth @ Reveries. Thank you!


  • Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers that have less than 200 followers who you think deserve this award.
  • Let the bloggers know you have nominated them.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.

Kellyn’s Questions:

  • When did you start blogging? Why?

I started blogging around last December, mainly because a few of my NaNo friends had blogs and I thought it would be fun. One thing led to another and here I am now!

  • What were/are your original blogging goals?

My original blogging goals were mainly just to keep this blog going and not stop, and just have people read it. So, so far I’ve achieved them, haha!

  • Are you a fan of potato chips?

Ooh, yes. I probably shouldn’t be, but they’re so good… I especially love barbecue potato chips.

  • Do you enjoy singing? Are you a good singer (by your own estimate)?

I love singing, and I’m in choir at my school. Music is a big part of my life and though I haven’t posted about it recently, I do have a few posts. My singing and music is one of the reasons why this blog is called The Music of Words. I’m a decent singer, but I’m not very good at soloing and there’s always room for improvement. I’m taking voice lessons this summer, though, so hopefully I’ll be improving!

  • Do you ever sew? Knit? Crochet? Enjoy any of those activities?

I’ve sewn quite a bit since my mom loves to quilt, and I’m working on a quilt right now (though I’ve been procrastinating a bit… *coughs*). I’ve tried knitting once but have never done anything with it since. But I love to crochet, and I usually crochet all of my friends’ birthday presents, which is fun. I love being able to create adorable things, and also customize the patterns to make them specific to my friends and what would make them the most happy.

  • Does it snow a lot where you live? Do you enjoy it?

Yep, during the winter! I enjoy it for the length of December (and it had better snow on Christmas…or else) but afterward it just gets cold and I don’t enjoy it much. It’s super pretty though and I love looking at the intricate snowflakes if you can catch them just right.

  • Does your laptop run out of batteries easily?

Ehh…not really. It takes several hours, at least, but I never really pay attention since I’m almost always sitting next to a place where I can plug it in.

  • If you could time travel, where would you go?

Ooh, fun one. I usually say back to around 30 A.D. so that I could meet Jesus Christ in person… It would be fun to go back to lots of different times though, and I would love to see what life is like.

  • What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Say a prayer and read my scriptures.

  • What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed at night?

Check my email and turn on Pandora so I can listen to music while I fall asleep. 🙂

  • What’s your least favorite color? Why?

Hmm…as a color, I don’t really like black. It looks good if you pair it with other stuff, but just on its own it’s not very exciting.

11 Facts About Me:

  1. Along with crocheting my friends’ birthday presents, I also write them cheesy poems that generally flow really badly but are fun.
  2. I don’t like wearing shoes and would prefer to wear none at all–or flip flops if at all necessary.
  3. I like mechanical pencils better for all purposes than ones you have to sharpen.
  4. I know a little bit of Spanish (but only a little bit).
  5. love to eat bread (though with plain white bread, it has to be homemade). If you give me a loaf of sourdough bread, a book, a notebook, and some orange juice, I will be totally satisfied.
  6. I also love Thai food, and curry is amazing. If you’ve never had it, you should.
  7. I have never had braces and will probably never need to. (I have had retainers, though.)
  8. I’m the middle child in my family.
  9. I love to learn about cultures and religion and would happily talk to anyone about their religion. I just think it is so fascinating to learn about.
  10. I’ve actually filled up an entire notebook with stuff (two, actually). I was so proud of myself…but I have about 30 other notebooks full of halfway-filled randomness. 😉
  11. I’m in the color guard of my high school marching band.


Ha, I don’t have to think of eleven people to tag, because it’s the Week of Blog Tags! If you want to do this tag, you can! Remember, the only stipulation (what a fun word) is that you have to have less than 200 followers.


  1. How long have you been blogging for?
  2. What do you think is your greatest blogging achievement?
  3. What do you want to be when you grow up? Or, if you are grown up, what are you?
  4. Who is your favorite book character and why?
  5. What is the funniest tradition you or your family has?
  6. Are you going to be celebrating the 4th of July? What will you be doing?
  7. What book or movie has made you sob?
  8. What is the best chocolate you have ever had?
  9. What is your favorite fruit?
  10. Do you think you would ever switch to using the Dvorak keyboard? Why or why not?
  11. What is the worst picture you have ever drawn? (Pictures are appreciated! 😀 )

P.S. Guess who remembered…today…that Camp NaNoWriMo started…today? *points at self* How many of you are doing Camp NaNo? What is your project about, and how far are you into it by now? I want to hear about it!

Burn, Rewrite, and Reread Book Tag

By my order, this week is decreed The Week of Blog Tags, in which I shall gift you with a blog tag each day (in an attempt to finish all the ones I have been tagged for). Therefore, I shall not tag anyone, else there be a multitude of tags. If you wish to be tagged, you are! Thus ends the decree.

I was tagged for this fun one by Poppy @ Poppy’s Best of Books (thanks, Poppy!), and I’ve finally gotten around to it! For this one, I just took my 9 most recently read books and used a random number generator to select which ones for each round. (Okay, I couldn’t remember the last two so I just threw in two books I remember reading semi-recently.) It is so sad that I’ve only read one book so far this summer.


  • Randomly choose 3 books that you have read.
  • For each group, decide which book to burn, re-write and re-read.
  • Repeat until you have completed 3 rounds (or 6 rounds).


  • Winter by Marissa Meyer
  • Ender’s Shadow by Orson Scott Card
  • Saving Madeline by Rachel Ann Nunes

Burn: I guess out of these choices I would burn Saving Madeline. I really love some of the other books this author has written, but this one didn’t quite feel up to par, and the romance really wasn’t developed well enough.

Rewrite: I would definitely rewrite Winter. I expected to love it, but in all honesty, the book was hard for me to get through, and I felt like the ending was unrealistic. I’d have to have it rewritten to read it again. (I do love the first three books of this series, though.)

Reread: I know I’m going to reread Ender’s Shadow again at one point (probably at whatever point I ever end up reading the entire Enderverse) because it was amazing. I really connected with the characters and I just love Ender and Bean. It was a great book.


  • The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson
  • Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
  • Xenocide by Orson Scott Card

Burn: I love all of these books, so I’ll just have to choose the one that I loved the least, which was Xenocide. I think this is kind of like when I read Speaker for the Dead a few years back and it was just hard for me to get through, and now after I reread it, it was so good. So I think it’s probably just that it’s not the right book for me at this point in my reading experience. The world building of the Chinese-ish religion was really awesome, though.

Rewrite: Nooo I love these other two too much. How about I just say I rewrite Ender’s Game so that there’s no swearing in it? Let’s just go with that.

Reread: I’ll be rereading The Bands of Mourning. That book was seriously amazing and kept me drawn in from the first page to the end. Seriously, Brandon Sanderson is a magician. I should write a blog post about how amazing his writing is sometime…


  • Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card
  • Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card
  • Fairest by Marissa Meyer

Burn: Definitely burning Fairest. It’s not that the writing was bad–it was beautiful–but the content was so…uggh…that I had to stop reading it. If you’re fine with adult content then you might like this book, but for my innocent young mind it was unnecessary and ruined the book for me.

Rewrite: Rewrite goes to Ender in Exile. It was a good book, but clearly it wasn’t up to par with the other Enderverse books I read because I don’t really remember much of anything that happened in it. So it’d need to be a little more amazing to compare with Speaker for the Dead.

Reread: Which brings me to my last reread, Speaker for the Dead. Like I said in Round 2, when I first read this I found it just as hard to get through as Xenocide is for me now. But reading it over again, I found that it was really awesome and kept me excited throughout the whole thing with plot twists that I’d forgotten about and awesome world building, not to mention cool discoveries about characters and their interactions and choices.

I hope you enjoyed and I definitely do not apologize for the plethora of Enderverse books. Have you read any of these books before, and what did you think of them? Remember, if you want to be tagged, you are! 🙂

Describe the Days of the Week as People Tag

By my order, this week is decreed The Week of Blog Tags, in which I shall gift you with a blog tag each day (in an attempt to finish all the ones I have been tagged for). Therefore, I shall not tag anyone, else there be a multitude of tags. If you wish to be tagged, you are! Thus ends the decree.

Kellyn Roth from Reveries tagged me for this ages ago (thanks, Kell!), and I’ve finally gotten around it! To simplify things, I’m going to make all of them girls (because that’s easier for me haha) and I’m kind of describing them how I see them in my mind, and not as people, because I have this weird pictures in my head of them. Anyhow, enjoy!

The Rules:

Thank the person who tagged you.
Describe each day of the week as if it was a person.
Tag as many people as you like.
Have fun!


She is still and quiet, the perfect example of “seen but not heard”. Her dark eyes stare through the black and white photograph, hands folded neatly in her lap. Her thoughts are kept hidden behind a perfect poker face, and no one sees her tears.


She skips along the beach, collecting seashells and splashing through the water in a turquoise swimsuit. Her short blond hair is curled and bounces as she runs, looking for her next new adventure, giggling and laughing all the way.


She is a dreamy girl, with two chestnut braids falling across her back. She walks through a field in her frock and bonnet, staring at everything around her–from the bright sun above to the tiny purple flowers that grow among the grass. She imagines up a whole new world while she walks, and a soft smile plays across her lips.


She is older than the others, a young woman with dark eyes that hold so much knowledge. She is found studying a book, midnight colored hair falling over her face as she lays her chin in her hand. Though the world moves on around her, she stays in that moment, wrapped up in the words that tell the story of life.


She is always making new friends and waving to people in the school hallways. She may not dress in popular fashion, preferring a T-shirt and blue jeans, hair pulled back in a ponytail, but you’ll never see a prettier smile. The sun rises when she enters a room and when she leaves, others wish to following, like flowers following the sun’s path.


She wishes she could be someone she isn’t, and spends her time acting in plays and musicals. When she is another character it seems like the only time she can escape from her life. It makes her forget the pain, lets her pretend it never happened.


She is a quiet little girl, with fingers soft as flower petals. She can’t resist helping a fallen baby bird or begging her mother to buy one of the kittens the neighbor is selling. Whenever there is someone who needs help, she’ll be there to do her best, even when that isn’t quite enough.

Remember, since this is the Week of Blog Tags, if you want to be tagged, you are! (Or if you don’t want to be tagged, you’re not. Do as you wish*rolls down a giant hill*)


Infinity Dreams Award


Infinity Dreams Award.png

I was actually tagged to do this by three people, Kellyn from “Reveries”kbl from “KBLSewing”, and Aurora from “Incomparable”.  Thanks you guys! But that means I have 33 questions to answer at the end…that’ll be fun.

11 Facts About Me (no, I’m not doing 33 of these)

  1. I love the smell of yeast. (Random, I know, but it was the first thing that came to the top of my head.)
  2. I have alopecia areata.
  3. My favorite color is turquoise.
  4. My favorite season is autumn.
  5. I’ve finished 5 novels, but haven’t revised any of them. (I’m planning on it, though!)
  6. I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (a.k.a. a Mormon)
  7. I took piano lessons for 7+ years.
  8. My favorite number is 23.
  9. I get claustrophobic sometimes. Usually in cars or tents or in really small spaces.
  10. My favorite tree is either the willow or the aspen.
  11. I love orange juice–I think I could drink it all day long…

The 33 Questions…

Questions from Kellyn:

If you were to choose one place in the world to vacation, where would that be? What would you do there?

Hmm…I don’t know. Somewhere new and exotic, out of the country. Probably somewhere in Europe. And while I was there, I would go sightseeing and eat lots of yummy new foods.

Say you’re trapped in one of your favorite books as the main character. What would you do differently than what he/she did?

One of my favorite books…but there’s too many choices! I would say something by Brandon Sanderson, but most of his books have multiple main characters…I’ll go with Dragon Slippers for this one. What would I do differently? I’d ride the dragons way more often. I’ve always wanted to ride a dragon.

What’s your least favorite thing about your favorite book?

I’m going to go with the Stormlight Archives series for this one, by Brandon Sanderson. My least favorite thing is that the next book isn’t coming out until 2017. Agh!

If you had a choice between being trapped in a frozen wasteland or a barren desert, what would you choose?

Frozen wasteland, definitely. I’d much rather die of cold than of heat.

If you were able to take three books with you on vacation, what three would those be? (And, no, you can’t just bring your Kindle….)

I’d bring my Book of Mormon (one of our religious texts), and then I’d bring The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson, since those are both over 1000 pages long and should last me until the end of vacation. 🙂

If you had a time machine, where (and when!) would be the first place you went?

If I couldn’t affect anything, I’d love to go to the past and just observe what it was like (and I’d also really like to meet Jesus Christ) but if I would affect things, I’d probably go to the future and just see what it’s like. Then I could write really realistic sci-fi books, hehe!

What’s your motto?

I don’t know…I don’t think I have one specific motto that I follow or I feel is just meant for me. Also, my mind is blanking on mottos.

What would you hate to see someone throw away?

Interesting question…probably something that I would be willing to take, like chocolate or cookies or books or something.

Say you take up a new hobby (something you’ve never tried before). What would that be?

Something I’ve never tried before? Well, I think it’d be cool to learn to paint professionally, but I’ve tried painting before. Ooh, it would be cool to learn how to weave cloth by hand…I could make rugs and tapestries and it sounds like fun.

To be or not to be? That is the question!

To be!

What’s the #1 item on your bucket list?

To (when I get older) get married and become a mother.

Questions from kbl:

Least favorite food?

Mushrooms. Or squash. But I really don’t like mushrooms…they just kind of creep me out with how they look. They just look wrong.

Most bearable/favorite core subject in school?

English. Because I love to read and write.

Favorite day of the week? (Not Saturday or Sunday)

Hm. I like Fridays, but I also like Tuesdays and Wednesdays too. And Thursdays. I guess any day except for Mondays…

Favorite flavor of ice cream?

But there’s so many choices! I like peppermint sometimes, and strawberry, and cookies and cream and mint chocolate chip, and, well, most ice cream, because ice cream is delicious.

Coke or pepsi? 😉

Neither…? I’ve actually never tried either of them.

Favorite movie?

Lord of the Rings! I love that movie.

Book of choice to live in?

Hmmm…I don’t know. I’d love to live somewhere with magic and nice dragons, but not somewhere where I’d get hurt, but I’m pretty sure that anywhere I’d go would have threats and dangers. So…something with a really cool magic system that I could use. And with dragons. Uhh…I don’t know what book that would be. Maybe I’d go in Dragon Slippers even though there’s not much of that magic in it, but the dragons are awesome.

Favorite and least favorite character in said book?

In Dragon Slippers, my favorite character is Creel, the main character. She’s awesome. And my least favorite character…that one girl whose name I can’t remember that SPOILERSPOILER betrays her.

Favorite holiday?

Christmas! I love the Christmas season.

Favorite color?


Favorite type of shoe?

Uh…flip flops. Honestly, I’d rather not wear shoes at all. Can I answer barefoot?

Questions from Aurora:

What would you do if you were stuck in a small pitch-black room, with no doors or windows, and you were only surrounded by walls?

Cry. And get claustrophobic. And try to find a way out. And pray for help. And if no help came, I’d pass the time by talking to myself or telling stories in my head or singing songs.

If you could choose to change a part in your favourite book which part would you change, and what would you change it to instead?

I have no idea. Most of my favorite books are so awesomely written that even though I don’t like some of the things that happen to the characters, I probably wouldn’t actually change them, because the conflict is what makes the books so amazing.

You are given a choice to choose between a sword and a bow and arrows. Which would you choose?

To fight with, or just to have? If it was just to have, I’d way rather have a sword. I’d want a really cool looking one too, with a spiky/really serrated blade that generally is just super awesome to look at. To fight with…I don’t know. I feel like a bow and arrows would be less dangerous, so I might choose that, but I’d love to learn how to fight with a sword. So I’d probably go with the sword either way.

What was your scariest dream/nightmare?

Out of all of them, the scariest are probably the ones where someone in my family dies. I don’t like those ones at all.

What is your dream job?

Being a stay-at-home mom and an author! That’s what I want to do when I grow up, and hopefully it’ll work out.

What are your thoughts… on apple pie?

It is delicious and probably my favorite kind of pie there is. Yummm. *mouth waters at the thought of apple pie*

What is your favourite subject?

In school? English, Choir, or Creative Writing. I like all of those.

If you had to choose between turning all water into blood or turning all food into stars, which would you choose?

All food into stars because it would make the sky look pretty as I died…

Are you on NaNoWriMo?

Yup! I’m bookishgirl on the YWP and bookishgirl23 on NaNo.

What is your favourite book?

Probably any of Brandon Sanderson’s books. He’s an amazing fantasy author, and I really need to write a blog post on him sometime because his books are so fantastical.

Which of these questions did you enjoy the most?

Out of these eleven, I really liked the sword and arrows one, since I like fantasy-ish stuff. Out of all thirty-three…I don’t know, I can’t decide. There were too many good ones that I enjoyed answering.



  •  Use the Infinity Dreams Award picture
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you
  • Tell us 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions
  • Tag 11 bloggers



I’m pretty sure every blogging person that I know has already been tagged, so…if you haven’t read Brandon Sanderson, you’re tagged. And you should also go read some of his books.


Questions for Tagged People

  1. What is your favorite hobby?
  2. Out of all household chores, which is your favorite/the least tedious to do?
  3. What is your favorite meal to eat?
  4. If you could only say ten words throughout your life, what would they be? (You could say them over and over again, but you could only use those ten.)
  5. What book are you reading right now/the most recent book you’ve read?
  6. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
  7. What is your favorite picture book from your childhood?
  8. Do you prefer orange juice or apple juice?
  9. Do you speak any languages other than English? If so, what are they?
  10. What is your favorite song or artist?
  11. What is your favorite type of cookies?

Have fun! 😀

A Few of My Favorite Things Tag

I got a blog tag from Shim’s blog. So…here’s some Christmas favorite things. *sings the song “My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Music*

Answer prompts with the wintery/Christmassy theme in mind.
Tag at least 5 of your blogger-buddies to take part.
Use the title picture.
Spread the love around!

Favorite “snuggle-weather” books

Heheh, I like lots of books during snuggle-weather, as you have called it. Most books are nice to be read with a fuzzy blanket and snow falling outside. One of my very favorite Christmas books is a picture book called The Legend of the Candy Cane by Lori Walburg. I love that story.

Favorite wintery/Christmassy snacks

Cookies. Ginger cookies are specifically Christmassy because we always set them out for Santa. Also, ice cream (when is it ever the season not to have ice cream?), specifically peppermint flavored. And we always get chocolate oranges in our stockings, which are tasty, and there are always candy canes hanging on the trees so I always end up eating lots of candy canes in the weeks after Christmas.

Oh! And clementines. Those are wintery, right? I love clementines and no bag of them ever lasts long in my house. My parents have ordered me not to eat the whole bag before. (I left them one or two.)

Favorite hot drinks

I think apple cider/wassail is my favorite Christmas hot drink, followed by hot chocolate. My family also makes this “creamer steamer” thing that tastes yummy as well.

Favorite Christmas movies

My family always watches “A Christmas Story” sometime before Christmas. I also watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” for the first time this year and I really enjoyed it, so I think that’s going to turn out to be one of my definite favorites. I used to always watch “Nora’s Christmas Gift” with my brother, so that holds good memories for me too.

Favorite holiday songs

Ahh! So many of them, I can’t list them all off. But I’ll name a few of my very favorite ones. Carol of Joy, What Child is This?, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Silent Night, O Holy Night, and so many others. I love Christmas music.

Favorite “snow-day” crafts

Hm. I don’t think I’ve done any crafts this year with snow. Actually, I don’t know if this counts as a craft, but I took the screen out of my bedroom window and climbed out of it to take pictures of the snow from my window well, because all these bushes were hanging over it covered in snow and it was really pretty. So I like taking pictures. I also like making Christmas cards and ornaments.

Do you wanna build a snowman?

Brrrrr. But yes, I would! I haven’t made a snowman in a few years and I think it would be lots of fun, especially since we do have a good amount of snow right now.

As far as tagging other people…I don’t think I have anyone to tag, and that’s probably okay, considering it’s after Christmas right now. Merry late Christmas everyone!